Overview in Wordpress
When you are in the Template Creator admin page, you can see the themes list.
1/ Toolbar
You can find here all actions to perform in the component, to create a new theme, edit
Export a gabarit : What is a gabarit ? it is a file that contains all the theme informations so that you can save it into a format that you can import into Template Creator. Export the gabarit and you will generate a file .TCK3Z.
This is very useful to share or save the theme.
Note that you can import and export your .tck3z file between Joomla! and Wordpress websites
Import a gabarit : Import the TCK3Z file so that you can retrieve the theme structure with all modules and styles, also the images and the custom css.
2/ Left menu
Here you can go to each page :
All themes : The list of all your themes to manage
All fonts : you can add some Google Font or Fontsquirrel here, so that you can select them directly into your theme edition interface
About : it gives you the information about the software version and the release notes
Help : it shows some videos to help you in managing some tasks, like editing the custom.css file
3/ Themes list
You can see all your themes creation here. Click on the one you want to enter in the edition mode.