Layout creation
Drag and Drop the elements in your template to construct your page. Organize them like you want.
Color and Design
Play with the styles to create your own design with gradient, rounded corners, shadows and much more.
Responsive design
Set up your responsive behavior and select which element to show or hide on different resolutions.
Template Creator Joomla! Wordpress
joomla template
Latest version for
joomla template
Latest version for

22/07/24 : Version 5.4.9

  • Add ability to export and import custom styles
  • Improve table styles to apply also in the category list of articles
  • Fix PHP issue during export

24/06/24 : Version 5.4.8

  • Add ability to use max-content in the dimensions
  • Add ability to use calc in the dimensions
  • Fix issue with widgets version
  • Fix issue with size of the icon of the WebAuthn Passwordless Login
  • Fix PHP warning when updating the template
  • Fix issue with the size of the checkbox for the copy email in the contact form

16/05/24 : Version 5.4.7

  • Fix issue with jQuery when using Widgets

25/04/24 : Version 5.4.6

  • Add custom css for print
  • Add ability to use different dimensions for the logo for each resolution
  • Add a css class option for the readmore icon in the blog layout

25/03/24 : Version 5.4.5

  • Add 'homepage' css class on the body for the home page
  • Add use of error.css file if created by the user for custom css in the error page
  • Fix issue with Bootstrap option not available with joomla 5 (load Bootstrap 5 from the joomla media folder)
  • Fix issue with variants when using Fontsquirrel
  • Fix issue with fontsquirrel fonts not listed in the params.tck file (compatibility with Page Builder CK)

11/03/24 : Version 5.4.4

  • Fix issue with the selected google fonts in the layouts options
  • Update the css properties for the gradient

26/12/23 : Version 5.4.3

  • Fix issue with the dropdown menu in vertical alignment
  • Fix issue with few Google Fonts loading

04/12/23 : Version 5.4.2

  • Add options for small caps and capitalize in the font styles
  • Add ability to deactivate a font alignment by clicking on the button again
  • Add Joomla 5 in the component options >> joomla version
  • Fix issue with the documentation link in how to install a template manually
  • Fix issue with rgba in the gradient
  • Fix issue when creating a new module
  • Fix issue with Google Font not listed in the menu and other layouts
  • Remove the article details options from the page >> content (available in the article layout)

06/11/23 : Version 5.4.1

  • Fix issue with FontAwesome version for Joomla 5
  • Fix issue with readmore css class for Joomla 4 + 5
  • Add css for voting for Joomla 4 + 5
  • Fix error in the blog view when using image for Joomla 4 + 5
  • Fix issues when using Joomla 3 since the 5.4.0 version

30/10/23 : Version 5.4.0

  • Add compatibility with Joomla 5 native (without the compatibility plugin)
  • Add new option to make templates for Joomla 5
  • Add css for responsive pagination for Joomla 4 + 5
  • Update the interface with new icons
  • Improve mod_login css
  • Set Fontawesome loaded by default
  • Set Fluid as defaut option for the new templates
  • Fix JS error on columns

25/09/23 : Version 5.3.13

  • Fix issue with the logo url

22/09/23 : Version 5.3.12

  • Add option in the article layout to set the image position : above or under the title
  • Add css to align the articles height and put reamore at the bottom in blog layout
  • Fix issue with the checkbox rendering in the login form
  • Fix issue with error.php when using icons
  • Fix issue with error.php and logo image
  • Fix issue with error.php and search module not loaded on Joomla 4
  • Fix issue with custom css class on columns

28/08/23 : Version 5.3.11

  • Add css for Joomla 4
  • Fix broken links in the help page
  • Fix issue in the error page calling a non existing js file
  • Fix issue with offline page on Joomla 3

20/07/23 : Version 5.3.10

  • Add compatibility with PHP 8.2
  • Add an offline page with a nice design (inspired from Cassiopeia)
  • Add css to make table more responsive
  • Fix accessibility issue on modules
  • Fix issue with FontAwesome loading in Joomla 4
  • Fix issue with search layout styling in Joomla 4

10/07/23 : Version 5.3.9

  • Add default joomla 4 css for comatibility with badges and other items
  • Improve default table styles (for example articles list) in Joomla 4
  • Fix issue with input styles not applied on checkbox
  • Fix issue in the table styles, allow options to be used with style none
  • Fix issue in the table options, use default values

12/06/23 : Version 5.3.8

  • Add styling options for the tag (Page >> Content >> Tag)
  • Update the layouts for Joomla 4

09/05/23 : Version 5.3.7

  • Add True in countModules check to load only when the module returns a content
  • Option in the blog layout to set the image position : above or under the title
  • Improve preview in article and blog layout interface
  • Fix issue with image upload
  • Fix javascript issue

03/04/23 : Version 5.3.6

  • Fix issue with image upload

28/03/23 : Version 5.3.5

  • Improve media manager to load image only from the selected folder (fix issue with large amount of files)
  • Fix PHP warning

18/03/23 : Version 5.3.4

  • Fix issue with paragraph settings

14/03/23 : Version 5.3.3

  • Add options to set the paragraph margins in the Page >> Content section
  • Add CSS for left and right images in the blog layout
  • Fix issue with CSS and front editing

20/02/23 : Version 5.3.2

  • Fix issue with the shape divider and flexibles modules
  • Fix PHP message
  • Improve the update method to alert if there is an error

16/01/23 : Version 5.3.1

  • Add new options to define an arrow icon on the parent item of the horizontal menu
  • Improve compatibility with Maximenu CK styles
  • Update the animations Widget to avoid problems with PHP 8
  • Fix isuse with import of fonts and page redirect
  • Fix issue with PHP 8.1

26/11/22 : Version 5.3.0

  • Add new feature to edit the styles in responsive mode, to give different styles for each resolution
  • Fix isuse with interface update when clearing an image
  • Fix issue with message from code
  • Fix issue with fontsquirrel link broken in the interface

27/10/22 : Version 5.2.7

  • Add setting stored in the template to list the Google Fonts used. In complement with other extensions like Page Builder CK you can directly select the fonts in the interface

25/10/22 : Version 5.2.6

  • Fix issue with the pagination settings from the main >> buttons and forms options in Joomla 4
  • Fix issue with the pagination from the blog layout options in Joomla 4
  • Fix issue with the pagination counter in Joomla 4

20/10/22 : Version 5.2.5

  • Add template name in the top of the interface
  • Fix issue when removing a Google Font
  • Fix issue with the text on top of the modules edition

28/09/22 : Version 5.2.4

  • Fix PHP warnings since 5.2.3

26/09/22 : Version 5.2.3

  • Improve border settings : you can remove it with a zeor value in the border width
  • Fix css with the modal in Joomla 4
  • Fix css with article pagination
  • Fix issue in the interface with the left panel empty

23/08/22 : Version 5.2.2

  • Add compatibility with WEBP images
  • Add compatibility with PHP 8.1
  • Improve the interface, now impossible to copy the maincontent
  • Improve interface, click on the hidden eye make it appear again
  • Fix PHP warning
  • Fix issue with article details shown horizontally
  • Fix issue with breadcrumbs background color
  • Fix issue with article pagination css

13/06/22 : Version 5.2.1

  • Fix issue with Google Fonts manager in the main styles
  • Fix issue with video background on the page

10/06/22 : Version 5.2.0

  • New Google Fonts manager
  • New option to use the locally stored Google Fonts (compatible with privacy law)
  • Change the media manager in Joomla 4 to use the CK one again, and get back the Pixabay panel
  • Update the <html> tag attributes
  • Update the module aria-labelledby tag when a title is shown

08/03/22 : Version 5.1.1

  • New template Softico
  • Add check to avoid to remove the maincontent
  • Fix issues with font awesome 5 in the interface
  • Remove the widget Mobile Menu (see doc to see how to use it)

24/02/22 : Version 5.1.0

  • Add opacity option on the background gradient
  • Add Fontawesome 5 compatibility for Joomla 4
  • Fix issue with icons in Joomla 4
  • Fix issue with icon position
  • Fix issue with horizontal menu alignment
  • Fix issue with article body style in the blog layout

24/01/22 : Version 5.0.11

  • Add compatibility with css variable var(--name) in the color picker
  • Fix issue with category list layout

20/12/21 : Version 5.0.10

  • Fix issue with css clearfix missing
  • Fix issue with resolutions in the Joomla 4 default css not according to the responsive settings
  • Fix issue in Joomla 4 with checkboxes not visible
  • Fix issue in Joomla 4 with the system message not shown
  • Fix issue with the print popup rendering an error

06/12/21 : Version 5.0.9

  • Fix issue with PHP in block edition

08/11/21 : Version 5.0.8

  • Fix issue with bloc name not updated in the left panel, if changed in the main interface
  • Fix issue with articles in blog layout when using float on image (Joomla 4)
  • Fix issue with issue with module edition in frontend (Joomla 4)
  • Fix issue with horizontal menu not aligned correctly (Joomla 4)
  • Fix issue image not contained in table
  • Fix issue with 101% on the html
  • Fix issue with the hide on frontpage option not working
  • Fix php warning in the topfixedwrapper widget

18/10/21 : Version 5.0.7

  • Add poster option on the background video
  • Remove SVG image for gradient (compatibility for old browsers)
  • Fix PHP warning
  • Fix error that causes the edition to fail
  • Fix multiple CSS isssues with Joomla 4 : vertical menu, pagination, article list

28/09/21 : Version 5.0.6

  • Add new shape triangle inverse
  • Add new shape ellipse inverse
  • Add new shape vslope inverse
  • Fix issues with shapes rendering
  • Fix issues with Joomla 4 colors
  • Fix issue with pagination in Joomla 4
  • Remove default.css file in Joomla 4

13/09/21 : Version 5.0.5

  • Fix issue with Joomla 4 and front edition, image selection
  • Improve the component.php file to use the same styles as the main part

06/09/21 : Version 5.0.4

  • Fix issue with Joomla 4 and article layout options
  • Fix issue with menu styling
  • Fix issue with shape divider on row with position relative
  • Fix issue with shape divider not working on maincontent

30/08/21 : Version 5.0.3

  • [Joomla 4] Improve styling for the login module
  • [Joomla 4] Improve styling for the tags
  • [Joomla 4] Improve styling for the menu
  • [Joomla 4] Fix issue with columns in blog and featured layouts
  • Fix issue with menu options not shown when editing a vertical menu
  • Fix issue with menu options not applied on a menu module using a vertical menu block
  • Fix issue with expert button state on page load

17/07/21 : Version 5.0.2

  • Fix issue with responsive options
  • Fix issue with settings not accurate in the Page tab
  • Fix issue with the frontend edition and Modules Manager CK

14/07/21 : Version 5.0.1

  • Fix issue with the error page options
  • Fix issue with widgets state not saved
  • Fix issue with MariaDB and strict mode InnoDB

22/06/21 : Version 5.0.0 (see the blog for all infos)

  • New interface with a new design, fully compatible with your existing templates
  • New shortcut to apply the changes
  • New Quick styles feature
  • New structure tree
  • New opacity option in the color picker
  • New shape divider options
  • Compatibility with PHP 8 / Joomla 4 / Wordpress 5.7

04/05/21 : Version 4.3.5

  • Allow uppercase for html block ID
  • Add new error page feature : link redirection (see doc)
  • Add new option to set the article title as H1
  • Remove css pie (obsolete feature)
  • Fix issue with icon missing in published date
  • Fix issue with article margins in responsive
  • Fix issue with horizontal align on Google Chrome

12/03/21 : Version 4.3.4

  • Add icon options in the left and right columns
  • Fix issue with icon selection
  • Fix issue with left and right column hidden in responsive and main width
  • Fix issue with pixabay image download

08/02/21 : Version 4.3.3

  • Add new feature to align a module left, center or right (using the context menu)
  • Add featured layout override for the com_content to use the blog styles
  • Improve the Google Fonts code by adding the preload

26/01/21 : Version 4.3.2

  • Add new feature Context Menu : right click to edit
  • Add versioning on CSS files to avoid cache issues
  • Update Google Analytics code to latest version of Google requirements
  • Fix issue with zip format of gabarit in Firefox
  • Fix issue with quotes in the mobile menu text
  • Fix issue where the webfont kit shows an unpublished status
  • Remove clear both on .tck-article that breaks the columns in blog layout

07/12/20 : Version 4.3.1

  • Add option for vertical align on SVG icon
  • Fix issue with folder icons missing during installation
  • Fix issue with title tag in ionicons
  • Move meta tag viewport with other meta tags

04/12/20 : Version 4.3.0

  • Add SVG icons (more than 4300 icons) to replace FontAwesome (SEO improvement)
  • Add display=swap on the Google Fonts (SEO improvement)
  • Fix issue with shapes and horizontal flip
  • Fix issue with url for video background
  • Remove useless rect code in some shapes

29/10/20 : Version 4.2.3

  • Reorder custom.css file to be the very last file called
  • Fix issue with hamburger icon in interface edition on menu block
  • Fix issue with overrides where they are not replaced if existing
  • Fix PHP warning

19/10/20 : Version 4.2.2

  • Add option to use Youtube as video background
  • Improve template copy with folder check and user message
  • Improve template copy with layouts copied too
  • Fix issue with template name change (since 4.2.0)
  • Fix PHP warnings in the widgets

13/10/20 : Version 4.2.1

  • Add content overrides for Joomla 4
  • Fix issue with template copy (since 4.2.0)

08/10/20 : Version 4.2.0

  • Compatibilty with Joomla 4 : code refactoring and cleaning

21/09/20 : Version 4.1.3

  • Add new template Corporate3
  • Add options to style the intro image in the articles / blog
  • Add compatibility with Featured articles layout for the blog options

15/07/20 : Version 4.1.2

  • Fix issue with wrapper condition and disabled positions

16/06/20 : Version 4.1.1

  • Add option not to display text next to print icons, etc.
  • Fix problem with the custom css in responsive mode
  • Fix PHP warning with mobile menu widget
  • Fix problem with styles to read more in blog
  • Fix problem loading customheader.php file

18/05/20 : Version 4.1.0

  • Add feature to use px for units of the columns in the row
  • Remove the clearfix css class where useless, for a better code
  • Remove the .clr html tags where useless, for a better code

30/03/20 : Version 4.0.31

  • New theme 'Newsoo'
  • Improve Hide maincontent feature for multilanguage websites
  • Add Preview of Readmore button in the maincontent interface
  • Fix css issue with audio tag
  • Fix issue with default value from the component options not filling the new template infos
  • Fix issue with image manager and image upload

25/02/20 : Version 4.0.30

  • Fix issue with template.js file call

28/01/20 : Version 4.0.29

  • Add new CSS class 'pageid-XX' on the body to target any page by article id, category id ...
  • Add new theme Technicar
  • Improve order of templates in the models list

10/01/20 : Version 4.0.28

  • Add new feature to create splitted module title (see doc)
  • Add new feature to import demo data when importing the gabarit, or with actions menu
  • Fix issue with template.js file
  • Added @import url(custom.css) into the editor.css file to use the custom css in the editor

10/12/19 : Version 4.0.27

  • Integration of Pixabay to use millions of free images directly in the media manager

28/10/19 : Version 4.0.26

  • Add option to hide maincontent on front page

30/09/19 : Version 4.0.25

  • Add Frontedition feature compatible with Page Builder CK 2.5.0
  • Add min height 100vh on the body
  • Add compatibility with SVG images

26/08/19 : Version 4.0.24

  • Add options to create 2 shape dividers on the same block

18/07/19 : Version 4.0.23

  • Add automatic website cache cleaning on template update
  • Add again the main preview area with button, field, table
  • Fix issue when using RSFirewall
  • Fix issue with hamburger code loaded even if no needed

04/06/19 : Version 4.0.22

  • Add params.tck file for color palette sharing with Page Builder CK (see doc)
  • Improve frontend edition with radio buttons
  • Fix issue with Google font selection with specific font weight

23/04/19 : Version 4.0.21

  • Add Accessibility score 100/100 (Chrome test)
  • Add print CSS with 100 width columns, left margins for perforation, hide scroll to top
  • Add use of CSS class "tck-noprint" to use for items that you don't want to show in the print page

01/04/19 : Version 4.0.20

  • Add Page Class option on the body tag

14/03/19 : Version 4.0.19

  • Add compatibility with the new Modules Manager CK Front edition feature
  • Remove the use of tck-container-fluid, only use tck-container
  • Remove inline style for column width and put them in the template.css file
  • Fix issue with wrong logo image path

20/02/19 : Version 4.0.18

  • Improve the module list by showing all existing modules and not only slideshow and menu in the position
  • Fix issue with filtering data in the template description fields
  • Fix issue with translation string missing
  • Fix issue with shape divider and horizontal flip

24/11/18 : Version 4.0.16

  • New widget Mobile Menu that works with the plugin Mobile Menu CK
  • Add sound option (muted) for background video
  • Fix CSS issue with list-style none that was applied on li instead of ul
  • Fix issue to avoid empty google font call
  • Fix issue to delete a fontsquirrel
  • Fix issue with aligned modules number reset on actions >> copy

29/10/18 : Version 4.0.15

  • Fix issue with html override and Joomla! 2.5

15/10/18 : Version 4.0.14

  • Add editor.css style to render the template css in the editor

24/09/18 : Version 4.0.13

  • Add better position preview with position names even for empty areas
  • Fix issue with disabled module positions shown in list (maintop, centerop, ...)
  • Fix issue with Parallax background widget

14/09/18 : Version 4.0.12

  • Fix issue with shape dividers positioning

13/09/18 : Version 4.0.11

  • Fix issue when renaming the maincontent
  • Fix issue with PHP 7.2

11/09/18 : Version 4.0.10

  • Add shape dividers options for wrappers and rows
  • Add versioning for JS and CSS files in the interface to avoid problems on update
  • Allow units like rem,vh,vw and auto in every fields
  • Update media queries from display block to flex direction (to keep flexbox features)

31/07/18 : Version 4.0.9

  • Update Font Awesome to latest 4.7
  • Fix issue with link and description on logo not working
  • Fix issue with margin and padding on bullet list and paragraph
  • Fix issue in error page
  • Fix issue with shadows from the favorites panel
  • Fix issue with line break in custom css areas

16/07/18 : Version 4.0.8

  • Introduce again the responsive css areas on the blocks (in expert mode only)
  • Fix issue with custom css not exported
  • Fix issue with custom css when rename the template
  • Fix issue with font squirrel install-uninstall

29/06/18 : Version 4.0.7

  • Add .tck-module-title css class on the module title to style also if other tag than h3
  • Add responsive option for horizontal menu : stack
  • Fix php warning in css edition

25/06/18 : Version 4.0.6

  • Fix issue with code mirror not activated before click
  • Fix issue with logo description not updated on frontend
  • Fix PHP warning

17/06/18 : Version 4.0.5

  • Add CSS classes for responsive (lik .tck-hide-desktop)
  • Fix issue with Google Fonts loading
  • Fix issue with links styles not working on module content
  • Fix issue with fullwidth container

11/06/18 : Version 4.0.4

  • Fix PHP warning with countable
  • Fix issue with sytem images and custom images selection
  • Fix issue with Xampp server
  • Fix issue with responsive options not saved

08/06/18 : Version 4.0.3

  • Improve the templates library loading method with a manual method if failed
  • Fix issue with main area columns alignment
  • Fix another template installation issue

07/06/18 : Version 4.0.2

  • Improve the big wait spinner icon
  • Fix issue with custom code before end of body not loaded
  • Fix issue with Fontsquirrel fonts not working
  • Fix issue with Google fonts loading with https

05/06/18 : Version 4.0.1

  • Fix issue with template installation

04/06/18 : Version 4.0.0

  • New major version
  • New interface
  • New layouts edition for article, blog, search module
  • New library of templates
  • New blank template
  • New library of elements / blocks
  • New wizard to style the main parts of the template
  • New Google font management
  • New CSS class creator
  • New management to add css class on the blocks
  • New responsive interface
  • New columns management
  • New styling options for the module content (content only, under the title)
  • New styling options on columns
  • Add compatibility with url starting with http for images
  • Add Flexbox by default for aligned modules
  • Add vertical alignment in columns
  • Add compatibility with custom values in colorpickers (transparent or rgba)
  • Add empty block
  • Improved compatibility between Joomla! and Wordpress for import/export
  • Change the target folder to use the template folder
  • Keep the compatibility with V3 templates / gabarit
  • Separate the styles from the layout
  • Fix bugs
  • Remove css class from Bootstrap for the container
  • Remove the preview action because useless
  • Remove PIE for IE6
  • Remove Joomla! 1.5 compatibility

14/03/18 : Version 3.6.17

  • Add CSS grid layout to easily create some columns in your content (see the blog for more infos)

19/02/18 : Version 3.6.16

  • Fix issue with error layout options not saved

31/01/18 : Version 3.6.15

  • Update according Security fix from Joomla! 3.8.4 which fixes a XSS vulnerability in Module Chrome

18/01/18 : Version 3.6.14

  • Improved parallax script for better rendering
  • Fix issue with gabarit import if file is renamed
  • Fix php warning with table css
  • Fix issue with bullets image not copied
  • Fix issue with template not installable after copy

25/09/17 : Version 3.6.13

  • Add opacity 0.7 to the non active pagination buttons, to make them visually disabled
  • Add option to set the mini container width on mobile, with fixed width enabled

01/09/17 : Version 3.6.12

  • Remove this from 3.6.11 : (Fix issue with folders and files not listed in xml) because of causing install problem

28/07/17 : Version 3.6.11

  • Add option for Custom code before closing body tag
  • Fix issue with system images
  • Fix issue with folders and files not listed in xml
  • Fix issue with shadow in the interface
  • Fix issue with CSS copy between blocks and some properties not applied
  • Fix issue with error page when option Show the code in the maincontent is set to No

26/05/17 : Version 3.6.10

  • Add % units and placeholder for default values for the animations widget
  • Add Maximenu CK modules listed in the modules list for a menu block
  • Add more styling options for the tablesv
  • Improved the Help page with a flat list of videos and links
  • Fix missing icons in the toolbar in Joomla! 3.7
  • Fix issue with the logo that could not be hidden on mobile
  • Fix some issues with the copy/paste CSS feature (was not clear empty values)
  • Fix issue with bullets styles not applied
  • Fix issue with the slideshow block that was not listed in the responsive popup
  • Fix issue with RTL in horizontal submenus

26/04/17 : Version 3.6.9

  • Add new options to set the responsive resolutions
  • Add new option to choose between 2 modes of resolution steps (min-width and max-width)
  • Add new feature to replace the colors
  • Fix issue with responsive custom code not applied before save
  • Fix issue with gabarit export and images broken
  • Remove useless copy icon on the content block

13/04/17 : Version 3.6.8

  • Add new layout feature to cutomize the 404 error page
  • Fix issue with aligned blocks added in the maincontent

20/03/17 : Version 3.6.7

  • Add new colors palette selection with custom values that you can take from Colourlovers or Google material if you want
  • Add new feature to copy the blocks
  • Add new icon on wrappers to set it Full width
  • Improve the drag and drop, you can now move the blocks from wrapper to rows and vice versa
  • Fix issue with background video on flexibles modules

15/03/17 : Version 3.6.6

  • Add the Animations Widgets to animate your blocks on scroll

11/03/17 : Version 3.6.5

  • Fix a PHP issue

08/03/17 : Version 3.6.4

  • Fix issue with language folder that was not in the xml
  • Fix issue with the preview images that was not in the xml
  • Fix error messages during export

31/01/17 : Version 3.6.3

  • Fix issue icon removed when saving a wrapper css
  • Fix issue with responsive custom css code

19/01/17 : Version 3.6.2

  • Fix issue with hamburger icon on menu

18/01/17 : Version 3.6.1

  • Fix issue with template installation because of fonts folder

17/01/17 : Version 3.6.0

  • Add new icon for modules management : search for modules in the position of the block and allows you to publish/unpublish or edit directly
  • Add new behavior for modules : publish automatically a module in the position if no one is found
  • Add new module block type Slideshow CK
  • Add new module block type Menu (vertical)
  • Add option to load Font Awesome even if not used in the interface
  • Add call to custom.js file if exists in the template project folder
  • Add option to set subset for google fonts
  • Add option to set alternatives fonts for a google font and fontsquirrel kit
  • Add fast background video selection button with the CK media browser
  • Add language description for the module positions that are shown in the modules manager list (use the ID as description)
  • Add automatic creation of the thumbnails images template_preview.png and template_thumbnail.png
  • Add custom.css and customheader.php file into the gabarit for a better export package
  • Improve the logo block : add option to show the description, set the link and other options directly in the interface
  • Improve the xml file with the "folder" tag
  • Improve the horizontal menu block to use the new modules management
  • Fix accordions issue in admin edition
  • Fix issue with background image with spaces in the name
  • Fix issue with spaces removed in informations for the xml
  • Fix issue with background video in Chrome using .mp4
  • Fix responsive resolutions values (1px was used 2 times)
  • Fix default.css copied in the template even if not used
  • Fix issue with reponsive code that was saved directly before save

22/11/16 : Version 3.5.4

  • Add neutral text alignment button (default button)
  • Change the behavior of the accordions in the style popup to allow to have them all opened
  • Removed the database clean on uninstall to prevent loss of data
  • Fix some unusual drag and drop behavior
  • Fix issue with IE

11/09/16 : Version 3.5.3

  • Update the Font Awesome library to 4.6.3

29/08/16 : Version 3.5.2

  • Fix issue with icon that disappears after editing parameters
  • Improve the print layout wiht white background and black text by default
  • Use of the screen.css file to customize the &tpl=component view
  • Fix issue with styles disappearing when changing the block ID
  • Add https compatibility for Googlefont even if you have added it with http
  • Add possibility to install the widgets manually

14/07/16 : Version 3.5.1

  • Add extension .ico to be listed in the media manager
  • Fix an issue with the equalheights button that could not be disabled
  • Fix an issue with Firefox that kept the page in cache (not possible to see changes in the page after save)
  • Fix an issue with the upload using the field in the media manager

01/07/16 : Version 3.5.0

  • Improve the interface layout to have a better working area
  • New option to have Equal heights on aligned modules
  • New version Template Creator CK 1.0.0 for Wordpress
  • New media manager with direct upload and fast image selection
  • New option to restore the template to a previous version (up to 6 versions)
  • New widgets ! Parallax background, scroll to top, and top fixed wrapper
  • Add options to edit and remove the My Favorites items
  • Improve the modals to use CKBox
  • Remove Mootools dependancy
  • Add top menu with link to actions
  • Add the custom.css into the component.php
  • Update the custom code method to fix a problem

19/05/16 : Version 3.4.12

  • Fix an issue with video background on modules

04/04/16 : Version 3.4.11

  • fix an issue with the containers conditions

14/03/16 : Version 3.4.10

  • fix an issue with wrapper not showing if there is only a logo or a custom html block

07/02/16 : Version 3.4.9

  • Remove deprecated code
  • fix issue with min-height 1px applied to divs
  • fix issue with all fonts copied into the template
  • add css rule for the images in table
  • change the interface to make the wrapper css background to be available without expert mode

07/01/16 : Version 3.4.8

  • added action buttons to undo and redo
  • fix styling issue for select list
  • added conditions on the wrappers to only show them if at least one module is published inside

16/11/15 : Version 3.4.7

  • add options for video background

12/11/15 : Version 3.4.6

    • fix issue with strings not translated
    • fix issue with the display of icon options
    • fix navigation buttons alignment in the article using pagebreaks
    • fix width issue with empty blocks
    • 04/11/15 : Version 3.4.5
      • added options to use the FontAwesome library in the module title
      • added options default and none for the bullet lists
      • remove some unwanted default css
      • fix an issue with the logo width when using the default theme

21/10/15 : Version 3.4.4

      • fix an issue with custom images added into the gabarit
      • improve the compatibiliy of the gabarits with Template Creator CK for Wordpress
      • fix an issue with the custom css in the reponsive area
      • add a custom module style htmlck to be used with icons (new feature to come in the next version)
      • update the preview template to be compatible with the style htmlck
      • fix an issue with the missing html folder in the exported gabarit
      • add automatic backup up to 6 versions of your template when saving it

28/09/15 : Version 3.4.3

      • add retro-compatibility to put modules in the columns with old layouts (before3.4)
      • add options to style the bullet lists
      • add options to style the article details
      • prepare the compatibility of the gabarits with Template Creator CK for Wordpress
      • update the google analytics code
      • add clearfix css on the rows to avoid issues with float

07/09/15 : Version 3.4.2

      • fix an issue with the banner logo width on old blocks
      • allow the use of https for google fonts

12/07/15 : Version 3.4.1

      • fix an issue with the missing blocks maintop, centertop, centerbottom, mainbottom

08/07/15 : Version 3.4.0

      • load automatically Bootstrap for a new Joomla! 3 template
      • imbrication of blocks : possibility to add more blocks in the main area and the columns
      • new block Logo only to put a logo where you want
      • new block Row : specific block that can accept any other block in it (module, aligned  modules, logo, menu...)
      • deleted the block "logo + module" which has been replaced by a row + logo
      • possibility to put up to 8 aligned blocks into a row
      • possibility to move a block from one row to another
      • possibility to put multiple blocks vertically aligned in the column of a row

14/06/15 : Version 3.3.21

      • add option to add custom images to include into the template
      • make the top bar with the blocks fixed to add a block more easily in the template creation
      • add a menu bar to go directly to the styles for the page, titles, buttons ...

12/05/15 : Version 3.3.20

      • fix an issue with the image selection on front-end editing
      • fix issue with the background on the logo description
      • fix an RTL issue with the margins
      • use HTML5 tags to construct the template (section, main, aside, nav ...)

29/03/15 : Version 3.3.19

      • fix an issue with informations not displayed correctly in the admin
      • fix a drag'n drop display problem
      • add a button to install automatically the template
      • fix an issue with error 500 when the session expires
      • transform the main menu descriptions into tooltips
      • fix an issue with the logos dimensions not updated if the template is installed

12/03/15 : Version 3.3.18

      • fix an issue with image selection in joomla! 3.4
      • remove the inheritance of mobile resolutions, using min-width in the mediaqueries
      • add a new editor with syntax highlighting in the custom CSS and custom Code areas

26/01/15 : Version 3.3.17

      • add custom css area for each responsive resolution

12/01/15 : Version 3.3.16

      • fix an issue with mobile display for a single module
      • fix an issue with the html folder
      • add specific css classes on the body, different for each page

27/11/14 : Version 3.3.15

      • improved the copy of template by copying the html folder and custom.css file
      • remove the files from the projects folder when deleting a template

03/11/14 : Version 3.3.14

      • added button to print the positions of the template
      • fix an issue when applying a shadow suggestion
      • fix an issue with the colorpicker display
      • improve styles for bootstrap radio buttons (radio .btn-group)
      • added option background-size:cover for a fullwidth background

28/10/14 : Version 3.3.13

      • improve the styles for the submenus with Maximenu CK
      • added filter and sort columns in the admin templates list
      • fix an issue with the logo and the banner width
      • modification into bootstrap.css : removed background color of the breadcrumbs, removed the border radius on the search field

07/10/14 : Version 3.3.12

      • added the symbol # to any value in the colorpicker 
      • improve the submenu display for the mobile burger on bannermenu
      • fix an issue with the logo update when previewing
      • added options in the component parameters to set the default informations

24/09/14 : Version 3.3.11

      • improve the compatibility with Maximenu v8 
      • added option for mobile menu burger on banner menu (beside the logo)
      • fix an issue with text overflow in the custom block
      • improve styles with the pagination in the articles
      • improve the styles from Bootstrap
      • fix an issue with the Fontsquirrel fonts when having multiple names
      • remove the call to the file fonts.css
      • fix an issue with the error while using the direct copy (for the 2nd time)

17/09/14 : Version 3.3.10

      • fix an issue with a speed problem in the component
      • added a menu mobile option for responsive with the "burger" icon
      • fix an issue and improve the fonts calls for fontsquirrel and googlefont

17/08/14 : Version 3.3.9

      • fix an issue when changing a block name
      • updated the colorpicker
      • fix a shadow issue on "banner"
      • fix an issue with the error while using the direct copy
      • fix issue with a shadow color on the favorite N°2
      • modify the bootstrap styles

02/07/14 : Version 3.3.8

      • added options to define the logo in the template (joomla template manager)
      • added auto detection for new version and notification in the component
      • added shadows as new design suggestion

18/06/14 : Version 3.3.7

      • added options for inset shadow
      • automatic creation of the gabarit during the preview of the template
      • creation of a gabarit with the format tck3z which contains all necessary files (gabarit, images, custom.css)
      • added an interface to edit the file custom.css directly from the template parameters

29/05/14 : Version 3.3.6

      • fix an issue with centertop and centerbottom to have the module title styles
      • improve the contast in the styles interface

23/04/14 : Version 3.3.5

      • added preview area for the parameters
      • improve the parameters interface
      • fix an issue with responsive setup on custom blocks

19/04/14 : Version 3.3.4

      • added option to select a color palette from
      • fix an issue on border-radius
      • fix a focus issue on textarea
      • fix a background color issue for weblinks in bootstrap
      • remove some text-shadow in boostrap

14/04/14 : Version 3.3.3

      • added option for quick design selection (design suggestion)
      • added option to save your design as Favorite

04/04/14 : Version 3.3.2

      • fix an issue with selecting the system images
      • fix an issue with css on border-radius
      • update the css styles for Maximenu CK
      • fix an issue with mod_security

25/03/14 : Version 3.3.1

      • fix an issue with the fontsquirrel not loaded
      • fix an issue with the right block not hidden in responsive
      • added position name in the lorem ipsum modules in the preview

21/03/14 : Version 3.3.0

      • recoded the component to work in the admin (to avoir conflict with SEF, with security tools, and system plugins)
      • added drag'n drop to add and move the blocks
      • the expert mode keeps now enable after save
      • the bootstrap styles keeps now enable after save
      • added option to load Googlefont

21/03/14 : Version 3.2.0

      • unused version, see notes from 09/01/14

04/03/14 : Version 3.1.12

      • add a preview area in the edition popup
      • fix an issue with responsive using the hidden blocks

03/03/14 : Version 3.1.11

      • fix an issue with the menu in the banner
      • added ID of the block into the edition popup
      • fix an issue on border radius = 0

24/02/14 : Version 3.1.10

      • fix an encoding issue on the custom block
      • fix a style issue on the separator menu item with hover and active state

09/01/14 : Version 3.2.0 CANCELED ! (see newsletter)

      • recoded and deleted the system template "templatecreatorck" to use the component only

04/01/14 : Version 3.1.9

      • change the css of the horizontal menus to allow to align the items on the left, center or right

02/01/14 : Version 3.1.8

      • improve a css for the interface
      • fix an issue with the css on form buttons with bootstrap

22/12/13 : Version 3.1.7

      • fix an issue on responsive option
      • fix an issue with the custom code saving

15/12/13 : Version 3.1.6

      • added bloc ID into the title of the css popup
      • added resolution for computer in the responsive popup

01/12/13 : Version 3.1.5

      • added option in the parameters to add some custom code (PHP, HTML)

27/11/13 : Version 3.1.4

      • change the options for bootstrap
      • change the options for google analytics

03/11/13 : Version 3.1.3

      • improved how the icons are loaded
      • added the file component.php to manage the modal windows
      • added an alert message if magic_quotes_gpc is not disabled on the server

31/10/13 : Version 3.1.2

      • added an option "full width wrapper" to display the wrapper and its content in the full page width

14/10/13 : Version 3.1.1

      • remove the call to the file default.css if you load bootstrap.css

04/10/13 : Version 3.1.0

      • improve the banner "logo and module" block with a menu block aside the logo
      • add a manager for the blocks width into the banner

10/09/13 : Version 3.0.16

      • fix an issue with the width on aligned modules
      • keep the HTML folder if you create it in the template
      • load bootstrap by default in a joomla 3 template

02/09/13 : Version 3.0.15

      • update the css for bootstrap

28/08/13 : Version 3.0.14

      • remove the call to the general and system styelsheets for joomla 3
      • add some css for the tooltips for joomla 3

22/08/13 : Version 3.0.13

      • fix an issue on the columns
      • fix an issue on unwanted "n" in the custom css area

13/07/13 : Version 3.0.12

      • added option to load a google analytics code
      • added possibility to have a background with opacity and image (not compatible with IE8 and <)

03/07/13 : Version 3.0.11

      • Fix an issue on fixed background
      • Delete the default border on the tables
      • Add some options to style the tables

25/06/13 : Version 3.0.10

      • Fix an issue when saving the infos in the edition mode
      • Fix an issue with IE 10

23/06/13 : Version 3.0.9

      • Fix an issue on the columns width

14/06/13 : Version 3.0.8

      • Change the docytpe for HTML5
      • Fix an issue on the images in IE8
      • Delete the double click function because it's causing too much issues
      • Fix an issue in the column width

10/06/13 : Version 3.0.7

      • Fix an issue on the double click function

29/05/13 : Version 3.0.6

      • Improve the compatibility with the param magic quotes
      • Added a double click option to fix the control bar on a block

16/05/13 : Version 3.0.5

      • Fix RTL issue

11/05/13 : Version 3.0.4

      • Fix a ZIP issue when installing a font

04/05/13 : Version 3.0.3

      • Refactor the ZIP archive to not need php_zip library

29/04/13 : Version 3.0.2

      • Fix an issue with the ZIP archive

27/04/13 : Version 3.0.1

      • Fix an HTML issue on the center blocks

16/04/13 : Version 3.0.0

      • new version 3

18/02/13 : Version 2.1.11

      • improve columns width

09/01/13 : Version 2.1.10

      • improve the styles for the menu
      • added css for a better Joomla! 3 compatibility

05/01/13 : Version 2.1.9

      • fix a problem on the right column width with the complex content

07/11/12 : Version 2.1.7

      • added possibility to add a custom.css file
      • fix a problem with the links in the titles

28/09/12 : Version 2.1.6

      • added option to generate templates for Joomla! 3.x
      • remove spaces in the template name

28/09/12 : Version 2.1.5

      • now you can give a specific width to the flexible modules

24/09/12 : Version 2.1.4

      • added a check if there is a content block
      • changed the menu item level1 css
      • added a check for a font KIT installation

15/09/12 : Version 2.1.3

      • the gabarit saves now the mobile options too

05/09/12 : Version 2.1.2

      • fixed an issue on RTL
      • added an option for background attachment
      • added a param to deactivate the responsive mode in the template admin

26/08/12 : Version 2.1.1

      • fix missing meta tag for responsive

22/08/12 : Version 2.1.0

      • added option to copy the files directly in the template if it is installed in the site
      • added options to manage the Responsive Design to generate some Joomla! templates for mobiles

26/06/12 : Version 2.0.9

      • added RTL compatibility with specific stylesheets

06/05/12 : Version 2.0.8

      • added arabian language
      • fix a bug when reinstalling a template
      • fix a bug on borders styles
      • added css for pagination with blog layout

09/04/12 : Version 2.0.7

      • fix a bug with the dropdown menu
      • fix a bug with svg gradient under IE9
      • fix a bug with CSSPIE on modules
      • fix a bug with gradients on webkit engine (chrome, safari)

27/03/12 : Version 2.0.6

      • fixed a bug for XML generation with sef and htaccess
      • added option for a link on the logo (in the admin options of the final template)
      • fixed useless lines in index.php

18/02/12 : Version 2.0.5

      • fixed a bug on content block styles in the preview
      • fixed a bug on anchor links styling

09/02/12 : Version 2.0.4

      • fixed PHP Strict errors
      • fixed a bug on the logo description

01/02/12 : Version 2.0.3

      • added compatibility Joomla 2.5 and Maximenu CK 6

25/01/12 : Version 2.0.1

      • bug fix for background images position if fields are empty

19/01/12 : Version 2.0.1

      • Bug fix for templates version 1.5 : added the file params.ini

11/01/12 : Version 2.0.0

      • The software has been totally recoded, with a new interface a some new functionnalities. You can test the demo.





Responsive design joomla template

Template creator creates some Responsive Design Joomla templates.

You choose how the template is displayed with the mobile devices.


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You will have a 30 day trial, if the software does not fit your needs you can ask for a refund*

* see our refund policy


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livre creation template joomla 3

200 pages pour apprendre à créer votre template Joomla! 3 de A à Z.

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